ChatterHigh Blog

First Steps to Getting Started with a Career in Skilled Trades

23 Aug, 2021 | Curtis Rurka

If you're interested in a career where you're well-paid, don't need to spend a lot of time in...

5 Benefits of Early Career Exploration for Grades 6-9

10 Aug, 2021 | Lee Taal

Early career exploration is important for young students to plan for the future, and to feel more...

5 Tips for Handling Career Discussions with Your Teen

26 Jul, 2021 | Curtis Rurka

It's no surprise that teens talk to their families about career exploration more than anyone else....

5 Age-Appropriate Mental Health and Wellness Resources for Youth

12 Jul, 2021 | Deborah Deacon

Mental health awareness has made great strides over the past few years. Campaigns like Bell’s Let’s...

5 Ways to Support Student Mental Health in Schools

07 Jul, 2021 | Hana Gill

Did you know that1 in 5 Canadianssuffer from at least one mental health problem or illness?

FAQ’s- Let’s Talk Careers Competition

30 Jun, 2021 | Taylor Irving

Everything you need to know about the Let’s Talk Career Competition:

Engaging Online Summer School: Accelerating Learning, Mitigating Loss

12 May, 2021 | Janice Hewitt

Accelerate learning and bridge the digital divide by offering fully remote, self-directed,...

Mental Health Resources for Educators

11 May, 2021 | Deborah Deacon

Since the start of the pandemic, mental health and wellness have been brought to the fore in the...

6 Ways To Engage Students With Remote Learning

22 Apr, 2021 | Lee Taal

“Engagement has been our number-one priority, and engaging students in a distance learning...