Why Let’s Talk Careers is so Important

by Mary Gannon on 31 Mar, 2023

As an educator, you may be hoping to expose students to new career possibilities, but you may also want to promote students' individual goals and skills, and with ChatterHigh, you can do both! Throughout the Let’s Talk Careers Competition, students are exposed to a wide variety of institutions and careers which allow students to discover all of their professional possibilities and get inspired!


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  • The Relevant and Remote format of ChatterHigh allows students to learn from anywhere and explore at their own pace
  • Rewards incentivize and motivate students to pursue their passions


Personalized interests




The intuitive format of the ChatterHigh Daily Quiz personalizes content while each student is still introduced to the broad range of opportunities available to them. Each student will have different interests and needs, such as diversity considerations, accessibility, financial aid, and so on. By providing a personalized quiz and competition, each student can explore not only if the career is right for them, but which institution, program or pathway is the best fit. 


Let’s Talk Careers partners with Let’s Talk Science, Skills Canada, and Engineers Canada to help students explore STEM and skilled trades. There are many educational paths, from university to college to apprenticeships and so forth. The Let’s Talk Careers Competition exposes students to emerging technologies and diversifying sectors as each question answered helps students define and determine their future.


Competition Stirs Conversation


Let’s Talk Careers dives into intricate and interesting topics while the 10-question Daily Quiz keeps career exploration carefree and exciting. Career awareness gets students engaged in school and brings interest to subjects they need to attain a certain pathway. In this sense, every teacher can have a career-teacher mentality. As students explore the platform and competition with their class, they are able to discuss their future and ask questions about the feasibility of their education plans. 


Competition naturally drives students towards success as it demands more of them to keep up with their peers. Let’s Talk Careers fosters curiosity and conversation as each student receives different quiz questions. This conversation further informs on careers, where students can share their findings with one another and reflect on the professional pathways available to them. As each day’s new questions arise, students never fully know what to expect, and this helps excite and encourage participation throughout the competition.


Skills Canada

“The Let’s Talk Careers Competition is a great tool to connect with youth and inform them about the many rewarding and lucrative careers that exist in the skilled trades and technologies.

 This competition allows the next generation of Canadian workers to discover the excellent career pathways and options that are available to them.” 

– Shaun Thorson, CEO of Skills/Compétences Canada                                              Skills Canada Logo




Let’s Talk Science

“Youth are facing an increasingly changing world and need to be prepared to meet the demands of tomorrow. The Let’s Talk Careers competition exposes participants to exciting and emerging opportunities in multiple sectors, with many requiring STEM skills. This early awareness of careers prepares students to make informed decisions regarding their future pathways. We are thrilled to be able to provide this opportunity alongside our partners: Chatterhigh, Skills Canada and Engineers Canada.”


The Chatterhigh platform provides some fantastic opportunities for youth! By viewing career professionals in diverse industries, students can see what’s possible. For the most part, participants don’t even know about half of the emerging opportunities, and if they don’t know about something, how could they ever dream of it?”

- Dr. Bonnie Schmidt, President of Let’s Talk Science.                               Lets Talk Science logo-1




Engineers Canada

“Engineers Canada is excited to be joining the Let’s Talk Careers Competition and to bring a specific focus to the ‘E’ in STEM. With its diversity of thought, people, and disciplines, engineering offers endless opportunities to have a direct impact on the world around you and to contribute to society. We’re happy that through this competition, more youth can discover where their interests and engineering intersect, and how fulfilling a career in engineering can be,” 


- Jeanette Southwood, P.Eng., Vice President,Engineer Canada logo-1 

Corporate Affairs and Strategic Partnerships at Engineers Canada.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             




“When students contemplate what programs or occupations would be of interest to them, the idea of researching the possibilities can seem overwhelming.  Many, therefore, are largely unaware of what the possibilities are, or where they can find more information.  The Let's Talk Careers Competition breaks down the task of researching pathways and resources into bite-sized chunks and motivates students to get actively exploring.”

- Lee Taal Chatterhigh Logo png




Relevant and Remote


Remote and Relevant LTC


As the Daily Quiz continues after the competition, students can continue to explore ChatterHigh independently, at school or at home. Canadian students often learn about careers in grade 10 civics and careers classes, but career exploration can start much earlier as it is an important tool for any student. ChatterHigh and Let's Talk Careers encourage continual career exploration, so students can become passionate about their future and pursue the steps toward their dream profession. 


Choosing a path can be difficult, and in today’s world, the job market seems to be rapidly evolving. ChatterHigh always works to be at the forefront of postsecondary and career exploration, offering students the most up-to-date information in every field imaginable! If students need further guidance or investigation into their future, there is no better way to explore than through the Daily Quiz and Let’s Talk Careers Competition.






Any subject can be the key to your success, which is why exploring different interests and keeping career options open is essential to any student's success. Encouraging students to participate and engage in career exploration may be difficult while they still have other homework and school responsibilities, but the gamified aspect solves this! The Daily Quiz is gamified, so students are continually incentivized and motivated throughout the Let’s Talk Careers Competition. Students earn points that contribute to both school and student leaderboards, which means they can earn money for their school or earn the title of best-informed student in Canada with $65,000 in cash prizes! 


Endless Possibilities


Endless Possibilities with Lets Talk Careers


ChatterHigh is a hub for all career exploration. Let’s Talk Careers brings together numerous partners in STEM to help students understand all the possibilities science, math, engineering, technology, and skilled trades have to offer. Furthermore, Let's Talk Careers will bring students to a myriad of resources where they can explore different families of majors across all disciplines. There are various academic and applied paths that will appeal to different students, and ChatterHigh’s competition encourages students of all backgrounds and abilities to explore the possibilities and get inspired. 




Competition helps motivate students to participate and explore, which in turn fosters hope for their future. The more possibilities and opportunities students see available, the more prepared they will be for whichever path they choose. 


Learn More About Let's Talk Careers!

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