How Mental Health Awareness Benefits Students

by Mary Gannon on 01 Dec, 2023

Have you ever wondered how mental health might be affecting your classroom? Mental health and wellness are vital to each student, however they might not know of the resources available or how to use them. Students today face mental health challenges and mental health stigma in and outside of the classroom, but with the right tools, you can help broaden mental health awareness and give them the tools and resources to succeed.


Mental Health and Wellness Resources


Discover Wellness


There are many elements that make up mental health, one of which is wellness. Wellness and wellbeing help create a balanced life which incorporates healthy habits that promote positive mental health. These habits can include a healthy diet, practicing mindfulness and self-reflection, increasing socialization, implementing routine physical activity, and much more! Moreover, wellness can also include small changes, like opting for a book instead of a screen or going to bed a little earlier each night.


Healthy Habits


Mental health and physical health are linked, where one can often affect the other. Establishing an exercise routine, eating healthy foods, and engaging in self-reflection all help students build a foundation of wellness. Wellness and self-care go hand-in-hand as students can use self-care practices to help establish wellness routines! If you or your students want to dive deeper into wellness, explore the “10 Tips to Take Care of Yourself” blog on ChatterHigh! You could also explore how mental health and wellness go hand-in-hand through ChatterHigh’s Mental Health and Wellness course.


Boost Confidence


Boost Confidence with Mental Health and Wellness


While mental health awareness is important for promoting wellbeing and positive habits, mental health and wellness are also vital in preventing mental health problems from arising. According to The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, young people aged 15 to 24 are more likely to experience mental illness than any other age group. Stress levels, test anxiety, depression, and more, all affect students in and outside of the classroom. In order to combat this, students must have access to and knowledge of the resources at their disposal. Once students understand mental health and how to promote a positive mindset for themselves and their peers, they begin to develop confidence in all aspects of life!


When students have the tools and resources they need to succeed, they become more confident in themselves and their studies. As students gain confidence and develop their social and emotional learning, they are more likely to foster social relationships and promote social interaction. 


As a teacher, if you want to bring mental health and wellness resources and awareness into your classroom, you might explore ChatterHigh. ChatterHigh offers free national and provincial mental health resources that cover all topics from stress and anxiety, to mindfulness and physical well-being. What’s more, ChatterHigh guides students to relevant and reputable resources that are tailored to their age, giving them a bank of information for further mental health exploration. Teachers and students can explore ChatterHigh’s mental health and wellness activities at their own pace, or you can assign the courses and help guide your students through mental health topics.  


Become a Help-seeker


Once students are aware of mental health and wellness and how it plays a role in their everyday lives, students can explore how to help themselves. ChatterHigh gives students the resources they need to feel knowledgeable and comfortable seeking out help. Furthermore, as mental health tools and resources are introduced to students, they will know when, where, and how to get help.


Mental Health Leaders


If your students are interested in mental health and want to take their mental health journey to the next level, they should explore’s Mental Health Leadership course! This course promotes health and wellness while encouraging students to play an active role in combating mental health stigma and stereotypes! If you want your students playing an active role, introduce them to’s young mental health community leaders, who share their stories and promote a positive mental health environment.


What’s more, this course will teach students to help themselves and the best ways to support someone who may be struggling.’s resources help to solidify the help-seeker mindset as students are brought to reliable sources, introduced to other student members and exposed to in-person mental wellness opportunities.




Teachers and students alike benefit from mental health and wellness practices. Maintaining a positive mental headspace and practicing wellness activities like mindfulness or regular exercise helps students to become advocates for their own mental health and feel confident in helping their peers. Explore ChatterHigh’s many mental health modules to help your students develop their mental health awareness and discover the benefits of wellness as they learn the skills and resources to become a help-seeker!


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