ChatterHigh Blog

DeSoto ISD Increases College Program Awareness with Gamification

Written by Janice Hewitt | 20 Jun, 2022

As students in DeSoto ISD’s NXT Generation GEAR UP program moved from middle to high school, their awareness of college programs continued to increase, indicating their progression towards improved career readiness post-graduation.


As students in DeSoto ISD’s NXT Generation GEAR UP program moved from middle to high school, their awareness of college programs continued to increase, indicating their progression towards improved career readiness post-graduation. 

Over the past two years, students from the classes of 2024 and 2025 have been completing the ChatterHigh Daily Quiz, which exposes them to the myriad of opportunities available after high school. With every question answered, students learn about a new occupation, program or college while earning points that they use to enter draw prizes or donate to charity. Student leaderboards add an additional layer of healthy competition and motivation into the mix as participants can earn Starbucks, Chipotle or Dunkin’ Doughnuts gift cards as well as the title of DeSoto’s Most Informed Student for placing in the top 10!


ChatterHigh’s smart ‘seek and find’ quiz format gets students learning from real-world career, government, and college websites to expand their knowledge and build confidence about what is possible after high school. Students answer survey questions about their level of interest and awareness of the programs and institutions they explore. Information is captured in a personalized interest report for students and made available to program directors. Thus far, the activity has increased awareness about college programs overall. The figures are particularly positive for Hispanic females whose interest and awareness in occupations, institutions, and programs increased most significantly. We also saw African American male college awareness and occupation interest increase each year.  


As part of the program, educators receive professional development opportunities to learn best practices for using the platform in their classrooms. ChatterHigh also provides onboarding support to ensure all students can access the Daily Quiz whether in class or at home. Because the activity is self-marking and program administrators received weekly engagement reports, educators are able to easily track student progress. 


Like many others, this program has not been without challenges, especially in light of today’s educational environment. However, the data-driven partnership, designed to engage students and increase their awareness and interest, is not only measurable but has allowed Desoto ISD to focus attention where it is needed most within their district. Insights from weekly and annual reports have enabled the team to better understand how their program has transitioned with the students from middle to high school and how course, as well as institutional awareness and interest, have changed based on certain demographic indicators. 


Recent additions to the program help to further prepare students in the district for college. DeSoto ISD saw the opportunity to create custom STARR Practice courses. Engaging students with gamification allows them to meet a curriculum requirement in a fun and unique way. Further professional development opportunities for educators this fall, along with dedicated student onboarding, will help NXT Gen GEAR UP encourage ongoing activity within the district so that students can continue to build their interest and awareness and become better prepared for life after high school. 


To learn more about how you can use ChatterHigh in your school or district, book a demo with our Educational Partnerships Manager