ChatterHigh Blog

A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Awareness for Educators

Written by Mary Gannon | 17 May, 2024

Mental health awareness throughout high school is vital for promoting well-being, resilience, and adaptability in students. Mental health is a broad and complex subject, and as such, bringing mental health activities and awareness into the classroom will help students navigate periods of change and lay the foundation for their future mental health and success. 


The transition from high school to the real world is one of the biggest transitions a student will make, and it’s essential that students in high school are equipped with the tools and resources they need to succeed at postsecondary, in their careers, and in the real world. There are a plethora of mental health resources available to support students, including the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Kids Help Phone, ChatterHigh’s mental health courses and more.


Understanding Mental Health


Mental Health Month serves as a dedicated time to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote mental health and well-being on a broader scale. Educators and teachers can promote mental health by destigmatizing mental illness and promoting positive mental health activities in the classroom, such as ChatterHigh’s Mental Health and Wellness course. As students engage with mental health and wellness practices, they are being introduced to language and resources that can empower them to become mental health advocates for themselves and their community.


What’s more, mental health promotion and awareness in the classroom encourages open conversation among peers, which in turn can reduce stigma and push students to become help-seekers in the classroom and beyond. 

Promoting Inclusivity and Support


There is no better way to promote inclusivity and support among students than to explore diversity, equity and inclusion. ChatterHigh has a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion course dedicated to this topic, exploring the mental health landscape including stereotypes and prejudices, 2SLGBTQ+ resources, how to be an ally, and much more. 


By educating students about discrimination, providing support resources and valuable knowledge, and encouraging advocacy, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion course helps students recognize discrimination and find the support they need to address it effectively.

Empowering Students Through Education


If you want to empower action and promote awareness in your students, look no further than! The Mental Health Leadership course by available through ChatterHigh differentiates itself from other youth mental health resources, as it prompts young people to become advocates of mental health in their schools and communities. 


Students can use to become agents of positive change. This resource helps students to understand  and recognize social and societal changes that can affect mental health. also helps students thrive in school as it empowers youth leadership among students and fosters peer support networks that can help mitigate stress and reduce academic pressure.

Mental Health Month Activities


Introducing mental health into the classroom fosters peer support, promotes help-seeking behavior, and encourages students to become mental health advocates.


  • Icebreaker discussions: Icebreaker discussions encourage students to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. 

  • Mindfulness exercises: Practicing mindfulness, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help students reduce stress, manage anxiety, and improve overall emotional well-being.

  • Community and class projects: Class projects bring students together to work towards a common goal, which can foster a sense of belonging and purpose. Participating in community projects can build social connections and provide opportunities for personal growth.

  • Self-care challenges: Self-care challenges encourage students to prioritize their mental, emotional, and physical well-being in and outside of the classroom. Self-care activities like journaling, exercising, or spending time in nature are essential as they can form healthy habits that students benefit from throughout their lives.

    By providing education on self-care practices and healthy coping mechanisms, students can learn valuable strategies to navigate challenges and build their mental health resilience.




Mental health can affect any student at any time, which is why introducing mental health awareness into the classroom is crucial to student success. By incorporating mental health activities and education into the curriculum, schools can create environments where students feel valued, supported, and empowered to prioritize their mental health and well-being.


If you want to explore mental health resources with your students, you can find several options available on ChatterHigh. ChatterHigh offers various mental health resources and courses that are tailored to help and inform students across the country. Mental Health Month provides a valuable opportunity to prioritize student mental health, raise awareness, reduce stigma, and empower young people with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive emotionally and academically.