2020 Roundup: A Look at ChatterHigh’s New Digital Content Offerings

by Deborah Deacon on 07 Dec, 2020

As 2020 comes to a close, we thought it might be a good idea to share with you all the new and exciting digital learning opportunities students now have to explore on ChatterHigh.

First off, we felt strongly that with the turmoil brought by 2020, we needed to help contribute to the well-being of youth across the continent. So, we invested in creating modules to support students with mental health as well as COVID-19 awareness and prevention. Also in the realm of health and safety, we worked with a regional authority to provide students in that region with valuable workplace safety content.

We’re also pleased to expand our support on career and post-secondary awareness through our modules. Students can now dive deeper into particular topics that interest them via dedicated modules. Read on to find out what’s new on ChatterHigh!



digital mental health and wellness content


In Fall 2019, we created Mental Health learning modules for students in Florida to support legislation requiring 5 hours of mental health education for grades 6-12. The project inspired us to create free mental health learning modules for all of Canada and the USA, which officially launched in April. Learn more about these modules here

Students explore information and resources from national and provincial/state organizations and government agencies to gain greater awareness of their own mental health, and that of others. They are guided through topics like stress and anxiety, self-esteem, mindfulness, signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, resources for help, risks of substance use, understanding stigma, and more. 

That’s a lot of information! But how has it helped students? 

“This mental health disorders module can help youth to clear stigmas commonly seen in society and learn about the actions they can take to support loved ones suffering from these disorders.”


“One of the most shocking facts I have discovered is that 1 in 5 young individuals suffer from a mental illness which is about 20 percent of our community and it is said that only about 4 percent of the overall health care budget is spent towards our personal mental health. This was interesting to me as I never realized how high in statistics mental illness is ranked within our society and that it is much more common within our social groups than we really think.”


COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention in School

COVID-19 awareness and prevention


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the best way to stay safe is to stay informed. That’s why we created COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention modules for all of Canada and the USA. These modules engage students with public health and safety information directly from their federal and provincial/territorial governments. This helps them to familiarise themselves with these important sources.

Available in English and French, these modules help students explore symptoms and treatment, prevention and risk, and government measures, recommendations, and resources for support.

Digital Guidance Office 

digital guidance office Yukon university


The ChatterHigh Daily Quiz is designed to open the door to a world of possibilities that most students have never even heard of. Now imagine going through that door on a guided tour of an institution’s Admissions Office, Programs, Housing, Student Life, Financial Aid, Co-op programs, Athletics, and Recreation. Learn everything you need to know… all without stepping foot on the campus.

A growing number of institutions are creating modules to guide senior students through the “Future Students” section of their websites. Already, Brock University, Conestoga College, Redeemer University, Yukon University, Prairie College, and New Brunswick Community College have created sets of Digital Guidance Office modules to assist you in your next steps.



Digital Learning Leadership: Trades and Transitions at Kamloops-Thompson SD

trades and transitions at Kamloops Thompson School District 73


For years, Kamloops-Thompson School District No. 73 has been recognized as a leader in skilled trades training. Earlier this year, the district was awarded its third Industry Training Authority (ITA) Youth Work in Trades Performance Award, which goes to the district with the highest number of students training in trades in the region. 

We partnered with SD 73 to further promote their Trades and Transitions program in classrooms throughout the district. Through a series of ten customized modules, students explore the extensive list of available trades training programs. 

From hairstyling to police and justice studies, to early childhood education and more, SD 73’s Trades and Transitions learning modules are ensuring every student has the knowledge and resources they need to start training for their future, today.  

“I appreciate how Chatterhigh enables teachers to have micro conversations with students based on their interests as they are motivated to explore a variety of career options and post-secondary opportunities.”

Allisson Badger, District Career Education Coordinator, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson)





Career education Burnaby School District 41


Burnaby School District’s Career Education programs are giving students the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to prepare for their futures.

Students can take real steps to careers in Pastry Arts, Carpentry, Plumbing, Health Sciences, Music Production, Cyber Security, Robotics, and more. Now, students can learn everything they need to know about these programs on ChatterHigh, with questions from SD 41 mixed right into the Daily Quiz!




Worksafe BC modules

As students begin entering part-time work and thinking about their future career paths, it’s important they know the basics about their rights and responsibilities at work. That’s why we are excited to partner with WorkSafeBC in order to bring students valuable information that will serve them for the rest of their lives. They will also become more aware of the immediate impact of COVID-19 in the workplace and how to stay safe.

Topics include:

  • Addressing Hazards on the Job
  • COVID-19 in the Workplace
  • Workplace Safety Rights and Responsibilities


Curious about the module content available in your region? Create an account or log in now.

If you have a program you need to deliver to students remotely and want to make it engaging and fun, get in touch with us now to learn more.


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